Apostles (Emmaus - World Lit & History, Bible) - 12th grade level

  • General Academics
Capistrano Beach, Dana Point, CA 92624, USA
Sep 02 2025
May 21 2026
Please pay the teacher directly
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue1:45 - 3:15 pm
  3. Wed 
  4. Thu1:45 - 3:15 pm
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Apostles - 12th Grade


This year-long, twice per week class counts for World Literature (10 Credits), World History (10 Credits), and Bible/Theology (10 Credits).

A capstone to the Inklings and America courses, Apostles challenges students to be transformed by their faith. Students will seek to gain nuance in their convictions as they consider the implications of their beliefs in dialogue with the greatest thinkers of the Christian tradition. The Apostles curriculum traces the history of Christian literary and theological tradition from the Gospels to the Reformation, and it invites students to enter the world of scholarship through research, presentation, and critique in community.

Apostles is open to any 12th grade student, or any 10th-11th grade student who has completed Inklings or America. However, we highly recommend taking Apostles after completing both Inklings and America. Students who take Apostles without taking Inklings or America first will need to concurrently enroll in Inkwell, our supplementary writing seminar.


Cost: $50 yearly registration, $880 per semester

Contact: Jacob Waller, [email protected]

For more information: Our Courses | Emmaus Classical Academy

Class dates

09/02/2025, 09/04/2025, 09/09/2025, 09/11/2025, 09/16/2025, 09/18/2025, 09/23/2025, 09/25/2025, 09/30/2025, 10/02/2025, 10/07/2025, 10/09/2025, 10/14/2025, 10/16/2025, 10/21/2025, 10/23/2025, 10/28/2025, 10/30/2025, 11/04/2025, 11/06/2025, 11/11/2025, 11/13/2025, 11/18/2025, 11/20/2025, 11/25/2025, 11/27/2025, 12/02/2025, 12/04/2025, 12/09/2025, 12/11/2025, 12/16/2025, 12/18/2025, 12/23/2025, 12/25/2025, 12/30/2025, 01/01/2026, 01/06/2026, 01/08/2026, 01/13/2026, 01/15/2026, 01/20/2026, 01/22/2026, 01/27/2026, 01/29/2026, 02/03/2026, 02/05/2026, 02/10/2026, 02/12/2026, 02/17/2026, 02/19/2026, 02/24/2026, 02/26/2026, 03/03/2026, 03/05/2026, 03/10/2026, 03/12/2026, 03/17/2026, 03/19/2026, 03/24/2026, 03/26/2026, 03/31/2026, 04/02/2026, 04/07/2026, 04/09/2026, 04/14/2026, 04/16/2026, 04/21/2026, 04/23/2026, 04/28/2026, 04/30/2026, 05/05/2026, 05/07/2026, 05/12/2026, 05/14/2026, 05/19/2026, 05/21/2026


Participants must be entering grades 9 to 12.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 16

Registration period

Registration starts on 02/24/2025 and ends on 05/19/2026.

In-person location

Capistrano Beach, Dana Point, CA 92624, USA